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Les membres de la FHU GOAL coordonnent et conduisent des essais cliniques de phases 1, 2 et 3, ayant pour thématiques la physiopathologie, l'exploration et le traitement :

  • des leucémies aigües myéloblastiques ou lymphoblastiques du sujet jeune ou plus âgé en première poussée évolutive ou en rechute

  • des affections immédiatement préleucémiques telles que les syndromes myéloprolifératifs chroniques et à un moindre degré les syndromes myélodysplasiques

  • des travaux communs sur les allogreffes, conditionnements  ou maintenance

​Les projets portés par la FHU GOAL incluent également des études observationnelles, la constitution de bases de données cliniques et biologiques. 


Ces protocoles sont promus au sein de l'inter-région Grand-Ouest :

APHYPAP : Aprepitant Versus Hydroxyzine in Persistent Aquagenic Pruritus for Patients With Myeloproliferative Neoplasms

NCT03808805 - IP: Pr JC Ianotto, CHU Brest

AVAJAK : Apixaban/Rivaroxaban Versus Aspirin for Primary Prevention of Thrombo-embolic Complications in JAK2V617F-positive Myeloproliferative Neoplasms

NCT05198960 - IP: Pr JC Ianotto, CHU Brest

BIG-1 : Study to Improve OS in 18 to 60 Year-old Patients, Comparing Daunorubicin Versus High Dose Idarubicin Induction Regimens, High Dose Versus Intermediate Dose Cytarabine Consolidation Regimens, and Standard Versus MMF Prophylaxis of GvHD in Allografted Patients in First CR

NCT02416388 - IP: Pr M Hunault, CHU Angers

BIOPREDICTOR : Identification of Factors Associated With Treatment Response in Patients With Polycythemia Vera, Essential Thrombocythemia, and Pre-myelofibrosis.

NCT05440838 - IP: Dr D Luque Paz et Dr C Orvain, CHU Angers

BIOSCORE SMP : Pilot Study for the Development of a Diagnostic Score to Differentiate Myeloproliferative Neoplasms.

NCT03869476 - IP: Dr D Luque Paz et Dr C Orvain, CHU Angers

CALRSUIVI : Interest of CALR Allele Burden in Diagnosis and Follow-up of Patients With CALR Mutated Myeloproliferative Syndrome

NCT04942080 - IP: Dr L Cottin, CHU Angers

FLAMVAL : Validation Study of a New Cytokine-based Dynamic Stratification Based on FLt3 Ligand Plasma Concentration Kinetic Profile and IL-6 Concentration During Induction of Acute Myeloid Leukemia

NCT04641910 - IP: Dr P Peterlin, CHU Nantes

ILDA : Injection of Lymphocytes From Haplo-identical Donor Following Chemotherapy in Patients With High-risk Acute Myeloblastic Leukemia Not Eligible for an Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation

NCT04886206 - IP: Dr T Guillaume, CHU Nantes

KINHémo : Physical Fitness Impact of Early Physiotherapy Intervention With a Standardized Exercise Therapy Program in Adult Patients Receiving Intensive Induction Chemotherapy for Treatment of Acute Leukemia During Extended Hospitalization.

NCT04899882 - IP: M Lubi Leon, CHU Angers

MOLAM : Outcome of Patients With CBF and/or NPM1-mutated AML in First Molecular Relapse.

NCT04931992 - IP: Dr C Orvain, CHU Angers

P-MDS : Biocollection in MyeloDysplastic Syndrome

NCT04869683 - IP: Dr N Douet-Guilbert, CHU Brest

SMD-RMB22 : Haploinsufficiency of the RBM22 and SLU7 Genes in Del(5q) Myelodysplastic Syndromes

NCT04701229 - IP: Dr MB Troadec, CHU Brest

SYTHROM Cohort, Myeloproliferative Neoplasia With Normal CBC and Thrombotic Complications

NCT04539678 - IP: Dr Y Le Bris, CHU Nantes

TOCILAM : Monocentric Phase 1 Study With Escalation of Doses of Tocilizumab in Combination With Chemotherapy (Idarubicin and Cytarabine) in Patients With Acute Myeloblastic Leukemia (AML)

NCT04547062 - IP: Dr P Peterlin, CHU Nantes

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